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Lehigh Carbon Community College

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美国国家安全局和国土安全部已指定利哈伊碳社区学院为国家网络防御两年制学术卓越中心(CAE2Y)。. The designation is through academic year 2029. This designation means that LCCC now has a position on the cyber defense landscape.

CAE SealThe National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) Program’s History

In 1999, 美国国家安全局(NSA)启动了信息保障教育学术卓越中心(CAE-IAE)计划. Under this program, 如果一个机构通过了严格的课程和项目要求,就可以获得CAE-IAE的指定.
Connect with the CAE Community


高等教育在解决专业人员严重短缺的问题上发挥着关键作用,这些专业人员的技能有助于保护国家信息基础设施. 国家安全局和国土安全部与学术机构合作,在全国范围内加强网络安全教育,培养下一代网络安全专家. 在符合严格的CAE标准,并将课程与网络威胁等主题相匹配后,有意向的学校才会被指定, data analysis, cryptography, policy, ethics and more.


虽然许多网络安全工作对参加认可的网络学位课程的学生开放, 额外的指定有助于确保他们正在学习网络安全领域最大的两个雇主——国家安全局和国土安全部——认为重要的概念和实践.

National Cyber League

LCCC once again hosted a cyber security team that competed in the National Cyber League ( competition, in which over 3,000 students competed nationwide.

LCCC’students included Silver Bracket participants Joanne Nacipucha, Juan Parrales and Joshua Urmy (pictured), as well as Arlington Bell, Malik Camacho, Langston Hollomon, Timothy Lehman, Garrett Stinnard, Dominique Totani, Ethan Williams and Gabrielle Grafenberg. Urmy was LCCC’s highest scorer.

Cyber Security Lab

LCCC’s Cyber Center

Susan Miner
Professor, Computer Science and Networking
POC Center for acdemic excellence in cyber defense
Phone: 610-799-1029

Blaine Easterwood, MSE
Instructor, Computer Science
Phone: 610-799-1050

National Cyber League

LCCC once again hosted a cyber security team that competed in the National Cyber League ( competition, in which over 3,000 students competed nationwide.

LCCC’ students included Silver Bracket participants Joanne Nacipucha, Juan Parrales and Joshua Urmy, as well as Arlington Bell, Malik Camacho, Langston Hollomon, Timothy Lehman, Garrett Stinnard, Dominique Totani, Ethan Williams and Gabrielle Grafenberg. Urmy was LCCC’s highest scorer.

Computer Science Advisory Committee

LCCC consults with a Computer Science Advisory Committee, which is a vital component or our institution. This group is dedicated to the field of computer science. The committee is composed of a group of experienced professionals, experts, and leaders within the computer science industry who provide strategic guidance, support, 并监督确保该机构提供的计算机科学项目和倡议保持相关性, competitive, and aligned with the ever-evolving technological landscape.


  • 课程发展:委员会与学术教师和管理人员合作,审查和更新计算机科学课程, ensuring that it incorporates the latest industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices.
  • Program Enhancement: Committee members work to identify areas for program improvement, including the introduction of new courses, projects, 以及让学生为该领域的挑战和机遇做好准备的研究计划.
  • Industry Engagement: Through their extensive industry connections and knowledge, committee members help establish and strengthen partnerships with technology companies, startups, and research organizations. 这些伙伴关系可以为学生提供实习、合作机会和工作安排.
  • 研究与创新:委员会可以支持和指导机构内的研究活动, 为最有前途的研究领域提供见解,并帮助确保研究项目的资金.
  • Professional Development: By sharing their expertise and insights, advisory committee members can contribute to faculty and staff development, ensuring that educators stay current with industry developments.
  • Student and Alumni Engagement: The committee may participate in events, mentoring programs, and career services to engage with students and alumni. 这有助于理解那些追求计算机科学事业的人的需求和关注点.
  • 行业趋势和预测:顾问让机构了解新兴技术和趋势, which can guide strategic planning and resource allocation.
  • 质量保证:他们为计算机科学项目的质量和有效性提供外部视角,并根据需要提出改进建议.
  • 交流机会:委员会为学生和教师创造了与行业专业人士交流的机会, fostering connections and collaboration.

The Computer Science Advisory Committee’s collective knowledge, industry insights, 对创新的承诺使他们在确保该机构保持在技术进步的前沿,并确保毕业生在计算机科学行业的各个领域成功的职业生涯做好充分的准备方面具有不可估量的价值.

For more information, please contact POC: Dr. Kelly Trahan at

Activities for Cyber Security Students

网络安全游戏和活动是学习和学习网络安全的一种很好的方式,既有趣又互动. Following are competitions, free games, and activities that can be played to increase knowledge and skills:

Crack the Code 

Crack the Code – It’s that time again. The Hour of Code has arrived! Everyone is counting on you to showcase your big project but it looks like you’ve been hacked! Your arch nemesis has hacked your computer and taken over your program. You have to crack the code to get it back. Provide screenshots of all codes you cracked to get credit


Cybermission – This is more than just a game, it’s a test of your cyber skills. Defeat every stage and you’ll be worthy of the Ultimate Challenge. Hungry for more? Discover the roles that make up the nation’s elite military cyber warfare teams.

Cybersecurity Jeopardy

Cybersecurity Jeopardy – Learn cybersecurity concepts jeopardy style.

Cybersecurity Knowledge Quiz

Cybersecurity Knowledge Quiz – Test your knowledge on cybersecurity topics and terms by taking our 10-question quiz.

CyberStart Go

CyberStart Go, Looking to solve some free cyber security puzzles and trial CyberStart? Find similar challenges to CyberStart Go in the Intern base.

Data Center Attack

Data Center Attack -一个选择你自己的冒险风格的游戏,你扮演的角色是一个首席信息安全官(CISO)为医院做决定. 游戏从最糟糕的情况开始,然后时间倒流,这样你就可以扮演主角,因为他们试图为医院设置安全.


Interland 这是一款充满冒险的在线游戏,将数字公民和安全的关键教训付诸实践吗.

Living Security

Living Security -创建基于团队的网络安全在线培训,为各级员工创造引人入胜的游戏化体验.


picoCTF 通过卡耐基梅隆大学值得信赖的计算机安全和隐私专家设计的夺旗谜题,将学习黑客行为的游戏化.

PBS Cybersecurity Lab

PBS Cybersecurity Lab – Take cybersecurity into your own hands. 在本实验中,你将保护一家受到日益复杂的网络攻击的公司. 你的任务是通过完成一系列网络安全挑战来加强你的网络防御并挫败攻击者. You’ll crack passwords, craft code, and defeat malicious hackers.

Targeted Attack: The Game

Targeted Attack: The Game, you are in the driving seat. You are the CIO of a global organization called The Fugle, on the verge of making the first release of a biometrically authenticated mobile payment app. You will steer the project through its final stages, dealing with your internal security team, your colleagues in Marketing and PR and of course your CEO. Based on the format of the old “Choose Your Own Adventure” books, 这款游戏让你有机会站在别人的立场上,看看自己是否足够优秀. Will you make the right decision?

The Weakest Link – Any organization is only as secure as you. Play the game!

University of Texas A&M

University of Texas A&M – Each year, the Texas A&信息技术部为全国网络安全意识月举办了一场全校范围的信息技术安全游戏. Check out their games!